Swim. Bike. Run. Repeat.

What a great weekend! Besides being way too hot for May, a whole lot of fun was squeezed in.

I was really excited Saturday morning to get my first solid brick in with a 30 mile ride and almost-5 mile run. What a beautiful morning for a ride! I was out the door before 6:30 and that was probably a bit too late. The ride was great but it was already too hot by the time I got to the run.

The run was really tough. My legs were tired. I was hot. I wanted brunch. But I made it through and it gave me confidence for my race in a couple weeks and for continued training through the summer.

My friend Elliot was here for a very brief visit so we grabbed brunch at Scion after the workout. I’ve been hearing about Scion for a few months so was excited to try. The food was decent, prices were okay, and the mimosa was generous. Overall, a decent brunch but not mind blowing. But the company was awesome. :-)
In the afternoon there was a trip to Annapolis for, of course, crabs. Delicious french fry nacho crab cake thing from a bar called Armadillo was awesome. So was the people watching as it seemed to be a biker bar for the afternoon.
Sunday I taught two spin classes which generally is a breeze…after the brick on Saturday it was quite challenging but I got through and thoroughly deserved and enjoyed the pool time and s’mores that came later.

Off to my first day of work! Have a great week!