More Pop Less Rock

Hey — I’m writing from my couch where I have, until now, spent the majority of my weekend. I’ve become really good at finding excuses not to work out on Saturday mornings since I decided not to do the half ironman this fall. It’s a weird thing for me after three years of long runs and, recently, bricks on Saturday mornings it really feels like my routine is being thrown off.

To get myself back into my routine, I finally registered for Nation’s Tri yesterday. That race is so expensive! I almost couldn’t believe the $200 price tag! Geeeeeeze! But then I figured by the time I calculate travel/lodging/food for out of town races, $200 is definitely a savings from what I could be spending. This now means I need to get back to my Saturday routine, thank goodness!

I’ve decided not to do the Poconos Tri and Philly half marathon mostly because of 1) money money money and 2) lots of traveling and I’m a homebody and want more lazy weekends. After several weeks of action, I’m really craving more time on my couch and in my own bed. But I did register for the Star Wars Half Marathon at Disney Land my birthday weekend.

And here’s today’s playlist. Last week I had a request for more pop…which, for anyone who knows me in person, is not really my thing (so you’ll noticed I included rockier pop for a few of these). Screen Shot 2015-07-12 at 7.48.24 AMA few random additions:

  • My sole mate Jessica has been telling me about the Thug Kitchen cookbook for months. I finally got it and it’s great! Sure, it’s vegan, but just add some cheese and you’re good. The to go breakfast bars are great. I have a new batch fresh from the oven now! Best part, the recipe is super customizable.
  • We’ve been getting lots of cucumbers in our CSA and have tons of mint growing on the patio so, of course, I looked up a cocktail to make use of these ingredients and found the Eastside. It is so so delicious. Make it.
  • Have you read The Goldfinch? No? Do it! It’s so good…and a big part of the reason I didn’t run yesterday. I’m halfway done with it and don’t want to stop reading.